Dairy maker to reset milk to net zero by 2035
16 April, 2021From the dairy farm to plant and logistics, Finnish dairy manufacturer Valio plans to reduce the carbon impact of milk.
Making more cheese from less milk
13 April, 2021Spanish researchers have found that genetic selection could increase product yield when producing cheese from sheep's milk.
Australian milk factory pumps up its capacity
25 February, 2021A large Australian milk factory has had existing Gorman-Rupp above ground self-priming pumps on their stormwater for over five years.
A sustainable approach to dairy wastewater management — Magnesium Hydroxide
01 February, 2021ACTI-Mag provides a sustainable approach to dairy wastewater management using Magnesium Hydroxide.
HRS highlights steam injection for food sterilisation
21 January, 2021At Foodtech Packtech 2021 in New Zealand, HRS Process Solutions will be showcasing its DSI Series of direct steam injection pasteurisers and sterilisers.
Urschel Affinity Integra-D cheese dicer
20 January, 2021Urschel has released the Affinity Integra-D cheese dicer.
Evaporation increases capacity for drying cheese
06 January, 2021 by Chris Little, Director for HRS Heat ExchangersA novel use of evaporation using heat exchanger technology from HRS Heat Exchangers has increased drying capacity for a major European processor of cheese products.
GEA HYGiTip bag emptying system
09 December, 2020The HYGiTip bag emptying system from GEA opens and discharges 25 kg bags of powdered ingredients into food production lines automatically.
Optima Consumer OPTIMA EGS machine for infant formula containers
13 November, 2020Optima Consumer has developed a new machine concept for evacuating, gassing and seaming containers of infant formula.
Ice cream manufacturer keeping it cool and green
09 October, 2020Scottish ice cream manufacturer Mackie's installs an ammonia-based, low-carbon and energy-efficient cooling system with an absorption chiller from GEA.
COVID-19 virus stable in frozen human milk
12 August, 2020A new study has found that cold storage does not inactivate the COVID-19 virus in human milk, but heat treatment does.
James Mann appointed Chair of Dairy Australia
03 August, 2020Board Director James Mann has been appointed Chair of Dairy Australia following the decision of Jeff Odgers to step down early from the role.
Cheesemaking: why only some milk coagulates with rennet
23 July, 2020Milk that does not coagulate (NC) under optimal conditions affects the manufacturing process and cheese yield; a scientific study explores the reasons why.
Fonterra to pay for milk based on sustainable farming
24 June, 2020Fonterra has announced that farmers who produce sustainable, high-quality milk will be eligible for a new payment of up to 10 cents per kilo of milk solids.
Milk processors need to know Dairy Code
29 May, 2020The ACCC is encouraging milk processors to make sure they understand the Dairy Industry Code of Conduct.