Kiwi consumers embrace Health Star Rating on food packaging
11 June, 2024NZ consumers are embracing the Health Star Rating system but food manufacturers have been slower on the uptake, according to surveys by New Zealand Food Safety.
Birds Eye view on sustainable frozen packaging
11 June, 2024Birds Eye has announced its commitment to sourcing post-consumer recycled (PCR) material as part of its broader sustainable packaging journey.
Fake Kakadu plum powder identified
05 June, 2024ANSTO is sharing research that confirms fraudulent Kakadu plum extracts are in circulation online and in the international marketplace.
Plant-based fork for Maggi noodles
03 June, 2024Nestlé has introduced a limited-edition plant-based fork as a packaging accessory for its Maggi cup noodles in India.
Paper-based mini bottle for Baileys liqueur
03 June, 2024Diageo has trialled paper-based packaging for its Baileys, the Original Irish Cream Liqueur.
Krones Prefero filling and packaging PET containers
24 May, 2024 | Supplied by: Krones (Thailand) Co LtdKrones Prefero system is designed for filling and packaging of PET containers.
Case study: Food-safe paper packaging for lollies
24 May, 2024Many food and beverage manufacturers are seeking to develop innovative ways to package confectionery in a sustainable way while maintaining quality.
Meat freshness tech designed to replace 'use-by' dates
22 May, 2024Patches that change colour as raw meat freshness deteriorates in sealed refrigerated products could soon become a reality on supermarket shelves.
Research: Mislabelled shark meat found in Australian markets
15 May, 2024Research by Macquarie University has revealed widespread mislabelling of shark meat in Australian markets, including the sale of threatened species.
Baby food pouch feeding method examined in first foods study in NZ
10 May, 2024An Otago-led study debunks the concern about over- and under-eating with two types of baby's first feeding methods.
PakTech teams up with Endeavour Group
08 May, 2024PakTech has announced its launch into Australian manufacturing and a collaboration with Endeavour Group to advance its packaging recycling scheme.
Coles launches recyclable paper bag packaging for mandarins
07 May, 2024Coles has given mandarin packaging a makeover this year, launching a 100% recyclable paper bag for the winter fruit that is popular for school lunchboxes.
TricorBraun acquires two Australian packaging distributors
06 May, 2024TricorBraun has acquired Australian spirits packaging distributor UniquePak and Australian industrial packaging distributor Alplas Products.
Pringles reduces height of can but not the chip content
29 April, 2024Pringles has reduced the height of its can for its 53 g varieties to enable the reduction of 37,000 kg of packaging per year in Australia and New Zealand.
Suntory Beverage & Food uses Asahi Kasei water-washable plates for labels
19 April, 2024Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd has switched to AWP water-washable flexographic plates for the printing of beverage labels in Japan.