Industry News
Lamb the future fish
Scientists are confident that lamb could soon become as important a source of Omega-3 fatty acids as oily fish.
[ + ]Acquisition of company
Cadbury Schweppes has announced it will take over the remaining 55% stake in the Dr Pepper/Seven Up bottling group (BG) for the price of $353 million.
[ + ]Prevention of childhood obesity
Two of the leading health peak bodies, Diabetes Australia and The Cancer Council, in Victoria have called for the Victorian Government to strengthen its commitment to both regulation and community education to help fight the alarming childhood obesity trends.
[ + ]Company takeover
Tetra Pak has announced it will takeover Carlisle Process Systems USA, the cheese and powder processing sector of Carlisle Companies Inc.
[ + ]Group formed to promote biological agriculture
The Biological Farmers of Australia has formed a sub committee to promote the principles, benefits and good practices of biological agriculture.
[ + ]Proposed changes to the Food Standards Code
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) wants the public to voice their opinions on the issues that could affect their health and the food they eat.
[ + ]Antibiotic use in food animals may cause human drug resistance
Australia's policy of restricting antibiotic use in food-producing animals may be linked with lower levels of drug-resistant bacteria found in its citizens, according to an article in the May 15 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases.
[ + ]Good news for juice manufacturers
In a discovery that questions the believe that too much fruit juice is a bad thing for children, a recent analysis of US government data has found that children who consume 100 per cent juice had healthier overall diets than non-juice consumers and consumed more total fruits, fibre and key nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and folate.
[ + ]UK opportunities for Australian food companies
Representatives from a UK-based distributor, which supplies Sainsbury's supermarkets, is in Australia this month and is keen to meet Australian food producers.
[ + ]CRC scientists make dairy discoveries
Australian Dairy Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) scientists are making important discoveries that will improve the Australian dairy industry's access to advanced technologies and products.
[ + ]Making food an opportunity
Food has become too much a matter of crisis and not of opportunity, says Michel Vieillefosse, head of the Eureka Secretariat.
[ + ]Raspberries full of health benefits
Antioxidants are believed to have substantial health benefits and raspberries in particular are a good source. In fact, raspberries may have 10 times more antioxidants than tomatoes or broccoli. Further, raspberries contain some specific antioxidants that are found almost nowhere else.
[ + ]Fluoride for bottled water?
The Australian beverages industry has lodged an application seeking permission to voluntarily add a maximum of 1.5 mg/L of fluoride to packaged waters. The application to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) was lodged by the Australian Beverages Council in conjunction with the Australasian Bottled Water Institute.
[ + ]Alcan expands
Alcan has acquired the capsules and closures distribution businesses of Classic Packaging and Nellie Products - both companies are subsidiaries of Foster's Group.
[ + ]Australian wine quality causes Europe to take note
An increase in the quality of wine being produced in Australia is forcing European wine makers to take notice.
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