Wine created using AI

Thursday, 28 March, 2024

Wine created using AI

Wine of Moldova unveiled its “First AI Vintage”, creating a wine under the guidance of artificial intelligence (AI). A (white) blend of Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Regala and Viorica and a (red) Feteasca Neagra were presented to an international audience of professionals, created with the help of AI.

To create the AI vintage, wine experts worked closely with artificial intelligence, inputting data and information into the AI chat platform ChatGPT. The wine experts followed AI’s decisions on the best times for harvesting, winemaking protocol and even blending. Audiences at the ProWein industry event tasted the fusion of human and artificial intelligence.

The AI project involved a strategic partnership between several institutions: the National Office of Vine and Wine, the creative media technology hub Mediacor and the Technical University of Moldova. Their goal was to set a global precedent for the unification of artificial intelligence and human expertise, in addition to facilitating ongoing development via the use of new technologies; $500 million has been earmarked for vineyard expansion, technological innovation and production capacity.

Robert Joseph, consultant and author, commented: “A changing climate — which means far greater vintage variation as well as higher temperatures — requires innovative solutions. This project gives wine producers access to the nation’s growing AI expertise that could be a game changer.”

Watch the video below to find out more about Wine of Moldova’s predictions on the future of wine production.

Image credit: Budinovskaya

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