Fair measure audit for whole food and health food

Monday, 13 May, 2024

Fair measure audit for whole food and health food

National Measurement Institute (NMI) trade measurement officers will visit around 400 food retailers from 13–17 May 2024.

This is claimed to be the first concentrated audit of whole food and health food traders across Australia. Products covered include unprocessed foods such as flour, nuts, confectionery, dried fruits, grains, cereals and cleaning products.

Trade measurement officers will undertake both announced and ‘secret shopper’ trial purchases. They will pay particular attention to stores where over-the-counter transactions require consumers to supply their own container.

The officers will also check shop scales and weighing instruments to make sure consumers are only paying for the product they are buying, not the container or packaging. If they find any errors, they will help with providing corrective advice to traders or, if needed, take enforcement action.

Image credit: iStock.com/AzmanL

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