Sustainability > Green economics

Ceramic material for faster microwaving

29 August, 2008

A new ceramic material may make microwaving food faster and more energy efficient.

New use for fermented wine

15 August, 2008

A UWA scientist has created fabric from fermented wine.

Ozone and the world food crisis

06 June, 2008

Rising background levels of ozone in the atmosphere are a likely contributor to the global food crisis, since ozone has been shown to damage plants and reduce yields of important crops, including soybeans and wheat.

Higher profits when organic meets 'green'

13 February, 2008 by Janette Woodhouse, Editor

The organic foods market is the fastest growing food sector both internationally and locally with 20+% annual growth recorded in Europe, the US, Australia and New Zealand

Poultry is the green meat

17 January, 2008

Research has found poultry and eggs to be the most environmentally friendly source of energy, compared to beef, pork or lamb.

Fonterra to measure its carbon footprint

10 December, 2007

Fonterra has commissioned the University of NSW, Scion and AgResearch to measure the dairy giant’s carbon footprint across its major products.

Is hormone-fed beef better for the environment?

27 November, 2007

Pound for pound, beef produced with grains and growth hormones produces 40% less greenhouse gas emissions and saves two-thirds more land compared to organic grass-fed beef, claims a ‘beef eco-report’ from the US Center for Global Food Issues (CGFI).

Trans-Tasman innovation recognised

11 October, 2007

DuPont is recognising and rewarding innovation in industry, science, the environment and agriculture with its 2007/08 Australia New Zealand Innovation Awards.

Industry urges national clean-up

21 August, 2007

In the lead-up to the federal election Australian industry is calling for priority action to clean up the nation's legacy of past industrial contamination, to enhance the nation's ‘clean green’ export image.

Most Americans don’t know plastic is made from oil

26 April, 2007

A nationwide survey in the US in April found that 72% of the American public does not know that conventional plastic is made from petroleum products and 40% believes it will biodegrade.

Who's responsible for litter?

12 March, 2007 by Janette Woodhouse

We have a great boss. Every year, for Clean Up Australia Day, he dresses us in flouro-coloured vests, supplies us with lunch and sends us off to clean a local road.

Australian students given opportunity to create sustainable future

30 January, 2007

A program launched by Nespresso Australia will see a local student travelling to Costa Rica to discover how to create a more sustainable future.

Creative market for waste product

14 December, 2005

Tropical fruit wine has found international approval and is now being exported to Singapore and Taiwan by a winner of the Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC) Rural Women's Award. Developed out of frustration with the 'excessive' wastage of tropical fruit in traditional markets, tropical fruit wine has rapidly developed into a new regional industry.

Protein-enriched food from winery waste

19 October, 2005

The wine industry is set to benefit from a technology being developed at the University of South Australia that enables winery wastewater to be turned into a protein-rich feed source for farm animals.

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