HSR and NIP labelling under review, FSANZ calls for information

Monday, 25 November, 2024

HSR and NIP labelling under review, FSANZ calls for information

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is seeking information and evidence to help guide work on front and back-of-pack nutrition labelling.

In July this year, food ministers asked FSANZ to start preparatory work to inform ministers’ future decision-making on mandating the Health Star Rating (HSR) system if the final uptake target is not met by industry (ie, 70% of intended products to display the HSR by 14 November 2025). It was also asked to scope work for a holistic review of the nutrition information panel (NIP), which hasn't been reviewed in more than 20 years.

After initial scoping, FSANZ has established three principles to guide the evidence-based HSR and NIP review work. These are:

  1. Enhance consumer use, understanding and trust in the HSR system and the NIP;
  2. The HSR system and the NIP complement and support each other; and
  3. Any potential standards developed or amended are practical to implement and enforce.

The HSR preparatory work will consider how the HSR system could be included in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code), while the NIP review will focus on the information required to be provided in the NIP and how this information is presented.

As part of the review process, FSANZ is now conducting an early-stage public call for information on the HSR system and NIP review. The agency said it welcomes information and evidence on how these labelling elements work for consumers, industry and enforcement, as well as any challenges or areas for improvement.

A full report about the HSR and NIP review is expected to ready by early 2026 to help food ministers decide about the future of the HSR.

Have your say

To make a submission, visit the FSANZ Consultation Hub before the closing date of 6 pm (AEDT) on 17 January 2025.

Image credit: iStock.com/vgajic

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