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German brewers fined for price-fixing cartel

15 January, 2014

Five German breweries and seven individuals have been fined by the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartel Office) over illegal price-fixing agreements for beer.

US companies face litigation over marketing claims

13 January, 2014

Three major US food companies face litigation after the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) issued demand letters regarding their use of deceptive labelling and marketing.

Coles' chicken decision will hurt farmers: ACGC

10 January, 2014

Coles' recent decision to stock only RSPCA-approved chicken is nothing more than a "hollow marketing tactic" which will have a similar effect on the poultry industry as the milk price wars, according to the Australian Chicken Growers Council (ACGC).

Danone takes Fonterra to court over botulism scare

09 January, 2014

Danone has initiated legal proceedings against Fonterra over its precautionary recall of whey protein concentrate in August 2013. The French company has also terminated its existing supply contract with Fonterra.

Trans fat comment period extended

07 January, 2014

The comment period for the FDA's determination that artificial trans fats in processed foods are not generally recognised as safe (GRAS) has been extended by 60 days to 8 March 2014.

FDA proposed food defence rule

06 January, 2014

The largest US food processors could be obliged to take action to prevent large-scale food adulteration under the new food defence rule proposed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Australian Prosecco lives on

19 December, 2013

Australian-made Prosecco will continue to be marketed and sold under the name Prosecco, after the Registrar of Trademarks upheld an objection to an application seeking to register the Italian geographical indication (GI) Prosecco as a GI in Australia.

Consumers' lack of animal welfare knowledge hampers free-range sales

17 December, 2013

While consumers say they'll purchase free-range meat and non-cage laid eggs, their knowledge of modern animal production is too vague to translate to spending extra on these products at the supermarket, according to new research from CQUniversity.

Submissions invited on GM soybean-derived food

16 December, 2013

Submissions are invited on an application to change the Food Standards Code to allow food derived from canola which has been genetically modified for tolerance to glyphosate herbicides.

ACCC cracks down on 'free-range' egg producers

11 December, 2013

The ACCC is taking two egg producers to court after alleging that their use of the term 'free range' to describe their products misleads consumers.

National free-range egg standard needed: NSW Fair Trading

10 December, 2013

Following a three-month investigation in response to Choice's super-complaint on the issue, NSW Fair Trading has recommended that a national standard for free-range eggs be developed under Australian Consumer Law.

Brewers Association funds alcohol policy research

06 December, 2013

The Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand is funding a three-year research grant into the area of alcohol policy, in partnership with the University of Canterbury.

Macfarlane pressured to apologise to SPC Ardmona staff

05 December, 2013

The Electrical Trades Union has called on Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane to apologise to SPC Ardmona workers for comments he made regarding employees' leave and pay arrangements.

People more fatal than food for allergy sufferers

27 November, 2013

Those with a food allergy have a 1.81 in a million chance of dying from anaphylaxis, compared with an 11 in a million chance of being murdered, an Imperial College London study shows.

FODMAP friendly certification

20 November, 2013

Foods suitable for irritable bowel syndrome sufferers and others who have intolerance towards ingredients high in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols can now be easily identified with the FODMAP logo.

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