JBT DSI 800 SE Portioner series

Friday, 22 October, 2021 | Supplied by: JBT FoodTech

JBT has launched its DSI 800 SE Portioner series waterjet portioning system, designed specifically for the needs of protein processing. It is energy and water efficient and comes in a variety of configurations.

The system’s design features mean that its waterjets do not create mist, which results in more efficient water usage and allows for increased shelf-life for portioned products. The energy use of the product has also been lowered by 40% compared to older models, thanks to the changes in its servo design.

The product is offered with two, four, six or eight cutters, allowing for a range of different applications. The number of cutters can be expanded easily. Additionally its servo pump is available in 4000 or 6000 bar maximum pressure configurations.

A servo drive system is used instead of hydraulics, allowing for implementation of automation even in facilities with smaller maintenance teams. The product can thus be integrated into an industrial 4.0 setting.

The system is capable of portioning poultry, red meat, pork and plant-based items. Labour-saving applications include trimming of chicken thigh meat for the retail market. Products can be weight- and dimension-controlled in other applications.

Online: www.jbtc.com/foodtech/
Phone: 0011 649 415 6521
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