Crafting Success: How Fishbowl Inventory elevated Green Beacon Brewing's Success

Fishbowl Inventory Asia Pacific
Monday, 01 April, 2024

Crafting Success: How Fishbowl Inventory elevated Green Beacon Brewing's Success

In the dynamic realm of fast-moving consumer goods, where innovation, impeccable service, and streamlined inventory management are the keystones of triumph, Green Beacon, the esteemed craft beer artisan, has soared to unparalleled heights with the support of Fishbowl Inventory management software. The partnership was established at a pivotal juncture in Green Beacon’s journey, propelling them towards unparalleled efficiency, expansion, and leadership in the craft beer industry.

In early 2017, Green Beacon expanded its horizons with the inauguration of a state-of-the-art production facility in Geebung, equipped with cutting-edge technologies including a centrifuge, reverse osmosis water filtration system, and the enigmatic ‘hot rocket’. This strategic move tripled Green Beacon’s output, solidifying their presence across multiple states and paving the way for prestigious partnerships, such as being selected as one of the exclusive Australian brewery partners for Singapore Airlines.

However, every success story faces its share of challenges. Prior to integrating Fishbowl Inventory into their operations in 2018, Green Beacon grappled with manual systems that offered scant control over production and stock levels, hindering their ability to measure costs and optimize logistics. With Fishbowl’s seamless implementation spearheaded by Lisa Coller, Finance Lead at Green Beacon, the brewery swiftly overcame these hurdles, unlocking a treasure trove of benefits.

“The results achieved at Green Beacon highlights the key value that Fishbowl delivers to a business,” remarks Simon Jupe, Fishbowl APAC Managing Director. “With Fishbowl, Green Beacon gained the ability to accurately estimate costs, define product specifications, and track inventory with unprecedented precision through standardising transaction processes and offering the ability to provide reporting specific to a business’s needs.”

Indeed, Fishbowl’s impact transcended mere efficiency gains. By providing unparalleled visibility into purchase orders, batching, manufacturing, and sales stock, Fishbowl empowered Green Beacon to make informed decisions, optimize workflows, and elevate the quality of their reporting — a feat once deemed unattainable.

Amidst accolades and speculation, Green Beacon’s meteoric rise caught the attention of industry giants, culminating in Asahi’s acquisition of the Brisbane-based brewery in August 2019. Nestled within Asahi’s craft portfolio alongside esteemed contemporaries, Green Beacon continues to uphold its legacy of excellence and innovation.

“Fishbowl has been a game-changer for us,” affirms Mrs Coller. “Previously, we lacked insight into batch costing, often it was a complete guess and we struggled to meet the demands of our expanding operations. Fishbowl’s integration streamlined our processes, providing granular detail and empowered us to meet Asahi's rigorous standards.”

Mrs Coller further extolled Fishbowl’s contribution to reporting efficacy highlighting: “Now, if we want to know what sales reps have sold during the month, with Fishbowl we can see it all easily. If we want to see what’s been sold by state, customer, or by SKU we’ve got all of that readily available. Prior to Fishbowl this kind of information was not readily available in any format.”

The partnership between Fishbowl Inventory and Green Beacon exemplifies a narrative of triumph — one fuelled by innovation, collaboration, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As Green Beacon continues to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of craft brewing, Fishbowl stands as a steadfast ally, propelling them towards a future that is, brewing with possibility.

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