Food design & research

Beating the food tamperers

16 September, 2013

Anti-erasing ink can make it much harder for the unscrupulous to fraudulently alter coding on your products.

Broccoli could be new osteoarthritis superfood

16 September, 2013

A recent study has found that sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli, has been linked to the slower development and potential prevention of osteoarthritic damage in joint cartilage.

Researchers debunk myth that alcohol causes depression

13 September, 2013

Clinical neuroscientists at the University of Western Australia have concluded that there is no truth to the long held belief which holds that alcohol causes depression, particularly if consumed at excessive levels.

Coffee could fuel cars, not just humans

11 September, 2013

While many of us see coffee as the fuel that gets us going for the day, scientists are working on literally using coffee as fuel to power cars, furnaces and other energy sources.

Pectin and inulin suitable fat replacers in cake

05 September, 2013

Researchers experimented with replacing 35-100% of the fat in cakes with maltodextrin, inulin, oligofructose, citrus pectin and microparticulated protein and found pectin and inulin were the most effective.

Agilent opens $25m Spectroscopy Technology Innovation Centre in Victoria

02 September, 2013 | Supplied by: Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd

Measurement company Agilent Technologies has announced the opening of its new Spectroscopy Technology Innovation Centre in Mulgrave, Victoria. The $25 million centre houses cutting-edge research and testing laboratories, as well as user demo and training facilities.

NZ research links kiwifruit to mood

28 August, 2013

The path to happiness may travel via an unexpected stopover: the fruit bowl. Researchers at the University of Otago, Christchurch, have found that eating two kiwifruit each day can improve mood and boost energy.

Insurer ensures healthy members with healthy eating incentives

26 August, 2013

A US health insurer has come up with a novel way to ensure its members stay healthy: money-back rewards for buying fresh fruits and vegetables. Independent Health members will earn $1 credit for every $2 spent on fresh fruit and vegetables.

Warning statements on soft drinks is "absurd", Bev Council says

26 August, 2013

Recent calls for soft drink labels to carry warning statements have been criticised by the Australian Beverages Council. Geoff Parker says a recent study linking soft drink consumption with behavioural problems does not prove cause and effect.

Omega 3s are going to gaol

23 August, 2013

Can omega 3s reduce criminality? A new study aims to investigate this link between biology and behaviour.

Making processed food healthy

21 August, 2013

Reducing the salt, sugar and fat content of foods has long been the focus of research, but all this work counts for nothing if consumers avoid the low-salt/sugar/fat option. In order to reduce the public health burden by designing healthier processed food, scientists need to ensure consumers will actually want to eat it.

Consumers less likely to recycle 'distorted' packaging

21 August, 2013

Consumers are more likely to throw a dented can or cut-up piece of paper in the bin than recycle them, according to a new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Smart or sick? Conflicting evidence on infant formula

20 August, 2013

While some researchers are reporting that babies fed with DHA-enriched formula score higher on intelligence tests, others have found that formula-fed babies may be more susceptible to chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Gels could trick the stomach into believing it's full

20 August, 2013

One solution to overeating is foods that alter their structure once ingested, helping you feel full. Chemical engineers have designed a self-structuring gel that can withstand the stomach’s harsh environment to trick the body into thinking it’s full.

Food addiction: how processed food makes you eat more

20 August, 2013 by Belinda Lennerz, Harvard University

Most people have the strong desire for a normal weight but in many developed countries such as Australia, only a minority are able to achieve it. Research recently published by Harvard provides an insight into why.

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