Food design & research

Study links grape consumption to healthy gut

17 November, 2021

Recently released research connects the dots between better gut health and the regular consumption of grapes.

Food and beverage precinct set to take off in Qld

16 November, 2021

Plans have been revealed for a food and beverage manufacturing hub to be located at Sunshine Coast Airport, which will initially focus on beverage manufacturing.

Upcoming database collects nutrition info on branded foods

16 November, 2021

The database will feature the nutritional information from branded foods and beverages sold in Australia and will have most food information by 2023.

Spice industry heating up in Northern Australia

10 November, 2021

Research is being conducted in the country's warm northern regions to see how spices might be grown industrially in the area.

Taxes on sugary drinks work — mostly!

09 November, 2021

Research shows that sugar taxes on soft drinks can be successful, but only if consumers are aware that their drinks are being taxed.

FSANZ requests comments on new enzyme source

08 November, 2021

A call for comment has been put out by FSANZ regarding the source of an enzyme that is currently used in a variety of applications in food production.

Scientists search for impact of smoke on grapes

04 November, 2021

An American university has been granted funding to research the impact of smoke on grapes and how to prevent damage to wines.

Australians drank responsibly during lockdowns

01 November, 2021

An analysis of wastewater by the Australian Government shows Australians drank responsibly, allaying fears of overconsumption during lockdowns.

Sugar detection science in humans may help beverage makers

26 October, 2021

Scientists have found that the body has the ability to detect whether a sweetener will contribute to its caloric intake, which may prove useful for beverage makers.

Wine by-product pomace might be nutritional goldmine

21 October, 2021

Scientists think the slush that is produced during the early stages of winemaking could be a sustainable source of useful nutritious compounds.

There's room on the plate for processed food

18 October, 2021

A study has shown that processed food can be included as part of a nutritious and affordable diet.

Scientists sniff out body's caramel receptor

18 October, 2021

A laboratory nose testing system was used to isolate exactly which receptors detect the pleasant smell of caramel.

Scientists develop high-tech food health ranking tool

15 October, 2021

Researchers have developed a profiling tool that ranks thousands of foods and lets consumers and manufacturers easily compare the healthiness of ingredients.

US FDA issues salt reduction targets for processed foods

14 October, 2021

The US guidance provides voluntary salt reduction targets for food manufacturers across 163 categories of processed, packaged and prepared foods.

'Meating' expectations for plant-based proteins

14 October, 2021

Researchers from University of Queensland are working with Motif FoodWorks to produce plant-based proteins to 'meat' changing consumer demands.

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